The deep see Dragonfish, sometimes known as the scaleless dragonfish is a ferocious predator that inhabits the deep oceans of the world. Known scientifically as Grammatoatomias flagellibarba , it has extremely large teeth compared to its body size. In spite of its gruesome appearance. its is a small fish, measuring only about 15 centimeters in length. There are several different species of dragonfish. All are very similar in appearance.
The Deep sea dragnofishis one of the many species of deep sea fish that can produce its own light through a chemical process known as bioluminescence. The light is produced by a special organ known as a photophores. It is believed that the fish can use these flashing lights in the dark waters to attract prey and even to signal potential mates. The dragonfish has a large head and mouth equipped with many sharp , fang-like teeth. It also has a long protrusion known as a barbel attached to its chin. This barbel is tipped with a light-producing photophores along the sides of its body. These light organs may be used to signal other dragon fish during mating. They may also serve to attract and disorient prey fishes from deep below.
The dragonfish can use its light producing barbel like a fishing lure. By flashing it on and off and waving it back and forth, it is though that the dragonfish can attract the attention of its potential meal. Once an unsuspecting fish gets too close, it is snapped up in the dragonfish's powerful jaws.
The large teeth of the dragonfish help it to grab its prey as it hunts in the dark waters of the deep sea. It will feed on small fish and crustaceans as well as anything else it can find. Since many of their prey also produce light themselves, the dragonfifh has evolved special method of remaining hidden from predators after its meal.
Because they live in extremely deep waters, very little is known about the mating habits of the drgonfish. It is believed that they are external spawners, meaning that the female releases eggs into the water to be fertilized by the male. The eggs then float to the surface where they remain until hatching. Once the eggs hatch, the tiny larvae are left to fend for them selves until they can reach maturity. Once mature, they return to the deep ocean to spend the rest of their lives.
The deep sea dragonfish lives in deep ocean waters at depths of up to 5000 feet(1500 meters) Although dragofish species are found in most oceans the world, the deep sea dragonfish is limited mainly to the North and western Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
A list of amazing creatures of the deep ocean
Name Scientific name Living depth range
Chambered Nautilus Nautilus pompilius Down to 1800ft
Giant Squid Architeuthis dux Down to 10000ft
Giant Tube Worm Riftia pachyptila Over 50000ft
Sperm Whale Physeter macrocephalus Down to 10000ft
Oarfish Regalecus glesne Down to 3000ft
Vampire Squid Vampyroteuthis infernalis 1800 to 3500ft
Firefly Squid Watasenia scintillans 600 to 1200ft
Giant Isopod Bathynomus giganteus Over 200ft
Lanternfish Symbolophorus barnardi 1200 to 3000ft
Gulper Eel Eurypharynx pececanoides Between 500- 6000ft
Atlantic Hagfish Myxine glutinosa Down to 4000ft
Coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae 600 to 1000ft
Sixgill Shark Hexanchus griseus Down to 6000ft
Deep Sea Dragnofish Grammatostomias flagellibarba Down to 5000ft
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